
If You’re in Network Marketing, You’ve Been Lied To! – Part I

  In fact, you’ve been lied to several times! I’ve always wanted to succeed at Network Marketing. I’m a pretty gregarious person, I like other people. I’m naturally motivated by success, personal and financial, so I’m the perfect “recruit”. I joined MLM after MLM and could not understand why I wasn’t succeeding. Was it the company? Was it the marketing plan? Was it my upline? I still bought products and services from two or three companies, after many years, not because I was making money, but because my family and I continue to enjoy those products and/or services. I genuinely had all the belief, “personal story”, etc. that you could want. If it’s not the company, if it’s not the marketing plan, if it’s not my upline, then what was it? Why couldn’t I be successful at Network Marketing? Was it me? When I thought about the 15 years and thousands of dollars I had spent, it made me angry to think that I was unable to make this Network Marketing business work. What was it that I didn’t...